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New radar guns look to bust drivers for texting behind the wheel.

It’s no secret that drivers face many distractions behind the wheel.

Perhaps no source of distracted driving gets as much attention these days as texting while driving. Policymakers have tackled the problem with legislation banning the dangerous habit. Meanwhile, one state has even created text stops on its major highways.

It sounds crazy, but the next tactic may very well be a radar gun that can detect drivers who text behind the wheel. A company in Virginia is working on just such a device.

It’s uncertain if law enforcement officials in the states that ban texting while driving will use the radar guns. But that hasn’t stopped people from raising questions about whether the technology constitutes an invasion of privacy. Meanwhile, others have questioned the logistics of how the gun knows a driver, rather than a passenger, is texting.

Learn more about these radar guns by reading the source article at

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Next Up: Radar Guns That Bust Texting Behind the Wheel