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The Yellow Dot Program helps people who need emergency services.

If you were in a car accident and unresponsive, what would you want first responders to know?

Do you–like me–have a loved one with a medical condition? Or do you take a medication that can’t be mixed with other meds?

If medical professionals are aware of your condition, they are in a better position to correctly treat you. And that could make the difference between life and death.

Enter the Yellow Dot Program

Fortunately, there is a way to share your medical history with first responders without saying a word.

The Yellow Dot Program, which was introduced in Connecticut in 2002, helps motorists share medical conditions when they might not be able to communicate for themselves.

Participants in the Yellow Dot Program place a yellow sticker on the bottom left corner of their vehicle’s rear window. This sticker alerts emergency response crews to check the vehicle’s glove compartment for important medical information about the driver and/or passengers.

States that have the Yellow Dot Program report that it’s a success.

“Since our program was rolled out in November 2012, 225,000 Yellow Dot Program kits have been distributed,” says Erin Waters-Tresatt, Deputy Press Secretary for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. “We continue to reach out to EMS councils, safety partners, and aging and health-related groups to help educate the public about this program.”

The Yellow Dot Program is currently active in 22 states. Legislation has been proposed in many others. To find out if your state participates in the Yellow Dot Program, contact your local law enforcement office or visit your state’s Department of Transportation website.

Six states in which Erie Insurance does business offer the Yellow Dot Program:

New York
North Carolina
West Virginia

No Yellow Dot Program in your state?

If your state doesn’t participate in the Yellow Dot Program, the National Volunteer Fire Council offers a similar program free of charge. Like the Yellow Dot Program, stickers are placed on the vehicle to alert emergency responders that your medical information is in the glove compartment. Visit the NVFC website for more information.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Got the Yellow Dot Program?