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Board games are one of the ways to beat cabin fever.

If there’s anything last year’s Polar Vortex taught us, it’s that sometimes you don’t have a choice but to stay inside. Yet endless days spent cooped up can lead to cabin fever.

But how do you really know if you suffer from cabin fever? Here are some signs to help you know:

  • You feel cooped up and restless.
  • You have difficulty concentrating on what’s in front of you.
  • You feel lethargic or simply unmotivated to do anything.
  • You feel irritated and on edge for no apparent reason.

If you can relate to any of those signs, you’re probably dealing with cabin fever. But before you take up permanent residence on your couch or start to sleep out of sheer boredom, check out these ways to beat cabin fever.

    1. Break out a good book. For helpful suggestions and reviews, check out

    2. Start a new hobby. A few ideas include knitting, stained glass, Soduku and fiction writing.

    3. Try a new recipe. The possibilities are endless on Pinterest.

    4. Start scrapbooking.

    5. Do a puzzle. It’s a little old-school, but still fun.

    6. Pull out some old board games or a pack of cards.

    7. Engage in some pre-spring cleaning. You’ll have more time to enjoy the great outdoors once it thaws out!

    8. Rearrange your furniture. Sometimes a few moves is all it takes to make your place look new.

    9. Tackle a home improvement project. Just make sure it’s an indoors one!

    10. Plan your summer vacation. Thoughts of warmer days spent outdoors are nice to have during winter.

    11. Have a movie and popcorn night. Dig out an old favorite or stream or rent something new.

    12. Research your family history and create a family tree.

    13. Write a letter to touch base with an old friend or family member. Everyone loves getting an actual letter that’s not a bill or solicitation.

    14. Watch the newest season of your favorite show on Netflix.

If the weather isn’t too terrible, head outdoors. Here are some things to consider.

    15. Go for a walk, even a 15-minute one.

    16. Make a snowman or a snow fort.

    17. Go out and shovel. It’s a great workout!

    18. Try an outdoor winter activity like sledding or snowshoeing.

    19. Have a snowball fight. You don’t have to be a kid to indulge in this one.

    20. Volunteer your time at a local nonprofit or animal shelter. Animals especially need a warm place this time of the year.

    21. Comb through your local paper’s entertainment section. Do something you’ve never done before.

Too much sleep and wallowing in boredom will only make you feel more lethargic. When it comes to ways to beat cabin fever, staying active and having fun really helps pass the time.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “21 Ways to Beat Cabin Fever