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Adapting Your Business for an Aging Workforce

By February 16, 2015No Comments

It's important to prepare for the aging workforce.

From flexible work schedules to ping pong tables, a lot has been written about how Millennials are changing the modern workplace. What isn’t heard about as much is the way an aging workforce is also changing the world of work.

People 55 and over are projected to make up 25 percent of the workforce in this country by 2020. What’s more, a study from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reveals that today’s employers are not prepared to accommodate the aging workforce. The research reveals that just one-third of organizations have examined policies and practices that will address this demographic change.

The aging workforce is a reality any business owner will want to address. That because more and more people are looking for a “phased-in retirement” that lets them keep one foot in the working world and one in retirement. This has benefits for workers–and also for employers who benefit from the experience, skills and perspective long-tenured workers bring to the table.

Are you looking to retain–and accommodate–some older employees in your workplace? If so, the Harvard Business Review recommends four best practices for adapting your workplace to an aging workforce. Learn what they are by reading the source article at Harvard Business Review.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Adapting Your Business for an Aging Workforce