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A Beginner’s Guide to “I Do,” Part 2: What to Know When Planning a Wedding

By March 23, 2016No Comments

The countdown is on: Future hubs and I are seven months away from saying “I do.”

Since the last post, I’ve navigated the wedding planning world relatively unscathed. There have only been a couple dings to my pride, like when I went to a wedding gown boutique thinking a “consultation” just meant a conversation. (It doesn’t. You WILL try things on, so prepare for white and strapless.) Or when I thought I had a stomach of steel and ate way too many  wedding cake samples.

Here are some of my latest findings:

  • Don’t beat yourself up over your guest list. There’s no way you can invite the whole world. However, you can anticipate some surprise appearances. We added a small cushion to our final count because Cher Horowitz gave me the idea to do it back in 1995. Once the guest list is set, the venue can be a fast follow. We’re doing a fall wedding outdoors. We have Plan B right next to Plan A in case the weather is less than perfect. (But, as my lovely and enthusiastic matron of honor says, “The weather will be perfect.”)
  • Think through transportation issues. Our ceremony and reception are in the same spot, but are about 25 miles away from where our guests will be staying. So we’re providing a shuttle from the hotel to the wedding venue. With the shuttle, out-of-towners don’t have to worry about getting lost or being late–and if anyone wants a little more champagne, they have a designated driver to get them safely back.
  • Consider your potential liquor liability. Some venues exclusively use professional bartenders who carry their own liability insurance. (Ours is one of them). Whether you’re using such a venue, having a reception at home, or something different, if you’re planning on serving alcohol at your reception, consider talking to your ERIE agent about your exposure.  Better safe than sorry.

Knowing we’re covered for the out-of-the-blues while planning for the somethings borrowed and blue has been a big stress reliever. It also frees up time in the schedule to browse for doggy tutus for the pup we recently adopted. She doesn’t know it yet, but she’ll be playing flower girl/ring bearer. Big plans, indeed, so stay tuned.

As always, please share any wedding planning advice of your own. You just might find your suggestion featured in a future story! Email your advice to [email protected].