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A How To Guide for Renters

By March 2, 2016No Comments

Whether your goal is to avoid mowing a lawn or have unlimited access to a pool and fitness facility you never have to clean, or if you just plain don’t want to buy a house, you may be one of the 43 million households in the U.S. who rent a home, apartment or condo. In fact, according to’s 2015 rental market report, rental inventory is near a 20 year low, meaning more people than ever are renting.

If you’re moving into a place of your own for the first time, the do’s and don’ts of renting can sometimes feel overwhelming. What happens if your fridge breaks? Should you tackle that sink clog or leave it for the landlord? Is renting even the right choice for you?

While you’ve probably always had someone in your life to remind you to clean out the lint trap in the dryer or to please not pour bacon grease down the kitchen sink, you’re on your own now. Yes, it might be nice if mom and dad could periodically stop over to check the smoke alarm batteries or tighten that door knob, but it’s not always possible.

That’s where we can help. We’ve compiled our best advice for first-time renters. Be sure to check back periodically for updates and if there’s a topic you’d like to see us tackle, send us your thoughts at [email protected].

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