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If a disaster like a tornado or a hurricane were to happen, are you confident that you (and your family) would know what to do?

September is National Preparedness Month. Throughout the coming weeks, individuals and families are encouraged to “resolve to be ready.” A big part of being ready is having an emergency action plan in place that will help see you through natural and man-made disasters.

Don’t find yourself like the family in the video above who (jokingly) decides to wing it. From ensuring the safety of pets to having enough food and water on hand, there’s a lot to consider in the wake of a disaster. And crafting a plan after one occurs is too late.

How to create an emergency action plan

Ready to get serious about creating your own emergency action plan? If so, here are some things to consider along with resources to help you craft your emergency action plan:

  • Start by identifying the hazards that have happened or could happen in your area. Your local emergency management office can help you with that.
  • Create your plan. Consider any special accommodations for infants and young children, seniors, pets and disabled individuals.
  • Put together an emergency kit. You never know when disaster will strike, so also create an emergency kit for your car.
  • Continue to learn more and stay involved. Websites such as and are great resources for helpful tips. In addition to learning more, you can also consider serving as a disaster volunteer.

In addition to everything above, you’ll also want to have auto and homeowners insurance in case your car or home sustains damage in a disaster. Talk with a professional like an Erie Insurance Agent to learn more about getting the proper protection.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Do You Have an Emergency Action Plan?