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It's important to winterize your boat before the cold weather comes.

Summer is (sadly) coming to a close. If you’re a boat owner, you know that one of the hardest things to give up when the cold weather hits is your watercraft.

Previous posts discussed how to get your boat ready for summer, how to stay safe while boating and why you need boat insurance. Now, it’s time to consider how to winterize your boat before the cold weather hits.

While it’s not a fun job, it’s definitely an important one. When you winterize your boat, you help it better handle the winter weather. This may ultimately help it last longer.

It might also save you serious cash. As the article below details, a few dollars of preventive maintenance today can save you hundreds–or even thousands–of dollars down the line.

Read the source article at to learn how to winterize your boat.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “How to Winterize Your Boat