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There are pros and cons to working from home.

Working from home can be a great benefit. Employees report increased job satisfaction and productivity from a shorter commute, fewer interruptions, and–let’s be honest–the freedom and comfort that comes with joining a conference call in your sweatpants.

All pajama quips aside, a telecommuting workforce can have a big impact on a business’s bottom line. With tens of millions of Americans working from home on a regular basis, employers are saving millions (or billions) in real estate and utility costs, reports

However, from an insurance perspective, telecommuting can lead to some unique risk ramifications. For example: If an employee slips and falls during work hours and no one is there to witness it, were they on the job or doing something on their personal time, like taking out the trash? And if home work stations don’t get the same ergonomic inspections that ones in corporate offices do, what happens if an employee gets carpal tunnel syndrome?

Learn why your business needs a telecommuting safety plan in the source article from

ERIE supports working from home policies

Here at Erie Insurance, 30 percent of our employees work from home full time, while many others enjoy the flexibility of a compressed work week or occasional flextime. Remote career opportunities at ERIE span all areas of the business, including customer service, information technology, district sales managers and claims adjusters.

In fact, Erie Insurance was named among the top 100 telecommute-friendly companies to watch in 2015 by Learn more and read the full list at

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Pros and Cons of Working from Home