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The Most-Read Eriesense Posts of 2015

By December 31, 2015No Comments

most read eriesense posts

Over the past year, Eriesense posts have offered trusted advice on everything from which kitchen gadgets are the most dangerous to why life insurance is more affordable than you think to how to put together the ultimate car emergency kit.

With 2015 coming to a close, we wanted to recap some of the most-read Eriesense posts of the year. Here are the five articles that topped this year’s list, from five to one:

5. What Happens If My Neighbor’s Tree Falls in My Yard? This is the second year in a row this post made the cut.

4. What You Need to Know About Snow Tires This series of posts explains how snow tires work, which cars need them, what alternatives are out there and how to buy the right snow tires for your car.

3. How to Avoid Hitting a Deer This post explains how to avoid a run-in with a deer—and what to do if one happens despite your best efforts.

2. How to Care for an Old Car Over a series of four linked posts, experts weigh in on how to care for a high-mileage vehicle.

And—drumroll, please—the most-read post of 2015 was:

1. Quiz: Can We Guess Your Car Color? Our seven-question quiz that tried to guess drivers’ car colors topped this year’s list.

There will be even more helpful and entertaining information in 2016, so stop back often. And remember that you can always contact a local Erie Insurance agent in your community if you have any questions about protecting the people and things that mean the most to you.