The latest trend among forward-thinking wholesaler-distributors has been to embrace new technology.
Why? The potential benefits these technologies deliver include everything from more accurate sales to improved efficiency to increased profits.
Here are three of today’s top technologies for wholesaler-distributors:
1. Automated order writing and submission solutions: Writing and then submitting a paper order isn’t only time-consuming—it’s also prone to error since information is often duplicated two, three or even four times.
Automating your order writing and submission process with a sales order management solution can save you and your sales reps time and costly mistakes. A good program also gives your sales reps the ability to load a digital catalog to their mobile devices, store customers’ order histories and instantly sync customers’ orders with your back office for faster fulfillment.
2. An omnichannel strategy with multiple digital options: An omnichannel strategy means thinking about your customers experience and interacting with each one of your sales channels. Channels can include everything from your catalogs to your website to any mobile app you might have.
Experts generally agree that having multiple purchase options is a good idea. Your customers are used to having options when it comes to buying consumer goods, and they want the same ease of use when it comes to their B2B shopping experience. This means having several options, including a robust digital presence with responsive design that adapts to tablets and smartphones in addition to traditional computers.
3. 3. Stepped-up enterprise resource planning (ERP) software: Good ERP software will help you manage your sales orders, finances, production, supply chains, customer relationships and more. And with today’s technology, you can do even more.
Best-in-class ERP software has integrated business analytics, mobile access, e-commerce integration and social collaboration capabilities. Each of these expanded features will help make your business more agile, effective and modern.
These new technologies certainly have the potential to help you run a better business. But an increased reliance on technology could increase the risk of a data breach. Erie Insurance automatically includes Data Breach Response Expenses in its ERIE Custom Collection Wholesaler-Distributor Program. Talk to an Erie Insurance Agent to learn more about coverage that can help your business overcome a data breach.