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Video: What to Know about Lightning Protection Systems

By June 24, 2014No Comments

Did you know that U.S. fire departments respond to 23,000 fires caused by lightning every year?

Fortunately, lightning protection systems can help prevent buildings from catching fire by grounding lightning into the Earth. The highly conductive copper and aluminum materials used in lightning protection systems safely ground lightning’s dangerous electricity. When the lightning protection network is in place, the lightning strike is intercepted and directed to ground without impact to the structure, occupants or contents.

Lightning protection systems are highly effective at preventing lightning damage to buildings. A number of authorities have studied the benefits and reported on them, including:

  • In January 2003, the American Meteorologist Society issued a bulletin endorsing the lightning protection requirements, stating, “It is now well established that properly installed and maintained lightning rod-based protection systems significantly decrease lightning damage.” Source:
  • In 2001, a joint paper was issued by lightning experts at the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Nat’l Severe Storms Laboratory, Defense Explosives Safety Board, Dept. of Energy, NASA and FAA. This paper underscores the critical role that lightning protection systems play in protecting our national infrastructure.

You can learn more about these potentially lifesaving systems and find a qualified installer by visiting the Lightning Protection Institute website. Also watch the video above to learn more about lightning protection systems and the dangers of lightning.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Video: What to Know about Lightning Protection Systems