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If you’re looking to declutter, make money and even have a little fun, a yard sale is something worth considering.

There’s more to a yard sale, though, than deciding where to hang flyers advertising the sale and deciding which items you no longer need. You’ll also want to keep a few yard sale safety tips in mind.

The video above shares a few of the top yard sale safety tips. Watch it and keep the below yard sale safety tips in mind to make your day fun, safe and possibly even lucrative.

  • Never leave the yard sale unattended. A quick bathroom break leaves enough time for a thief to make off with your stuff. Plan ahead and have at least one other person there to help you run the sale.
  • Lock up.Even if you plan on going in and out of your house all day, it’s still important to lock all the doors. (Don’t forget to secure your garage as well.) Potential thieves may think you’re too busy to notice someone slipping inside—so better to be safe than sorry.
  • Have someone dedicated full-time to the cash box. The cash box should never be left unattended. If no one can stay at one at all times, opt to keep the money with you in a bag, a money belt or an apron.
  • Have someone watch small children and pets. Busy yard sales full of strangers are no place for little kids and pets. It’s hard to keep an eye on them—which could put them at risk of getting hurt or even snatched.
  • Never let a stranger in your house. No matter how nice they look, it’s best to refuse anyone who asks to use your restroom or phone. It doesn’t take long to steal something or to case your house—plus it puts your personal safety in danger. Instead, direct them to the nearest public restroom or convenience store.
  • Keep larger, pricier items close to your house. Also keep smaller, pricier items close to you and in full view.
  • Secure any dangerous items. Make sure to keep dangerous items like knives well out of kids’ reach and to disable power tools. Also make sure to lock the fence to your pool and to block off trampolines and other play areas.
  • Keep a fully charged phone with you. You’ll want it close by in case there’s an emergency.
  • Scan your yard for any hazards. Help prevent injuries by picking up any stray items, securing any hoses and cords, and placing signs that direct guests any from any hazards.
  • Talk to your insurance agent. It’s important that you have enough liability insurance to protect you and your family in the event a guest is hurt on your property. An insurance professional like an Erie Insurance Agent can advise you on liability protection, including Personal Catastrophe Liability insurance.

Another area of concern for sellers is how to price yard sale items. Check out our tips in the next post for some pricing guidance.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “Video: Yard Sale Safety Tips