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What Should You Do If You Find Radon in Your Home?

By January 19, 2015No Comments

There are ways to rid radon from your house.

Radon has been detected in your home. Now what do you do?

First and foremost, don’t panic. Radon is everywhere. When it comes to tackling the problem, you’re not without options.

The first step is to determine what level of radon is acceptable to you. Radiation can cause potential health risks, and those risks increase as the radon level does. There are many different guidelines for acceptable radon levels. The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers suggests a top level of 2 picoCuries per liter. Meanwhile, the Environmental Protection Agency has adopted a slightly higher top level of 4 picoCuries per liter.

If your radon level exceeds either of these recommended levels, it’s time for you to actively pursue radon-removal solutions. A short-term solution is to increase the ventilation throughout your home and limit the amount of time people spend in rooms where your radon detector indicates a high level of radon.

A more long-term solution would be to purchase a radon-reduction system. These systems are relatively inexpensive and can reduce your home’s radon levels by up to 99 percent.

You also have the option of hiring a professional radon-mitigation contractor. Some states require that such contractors maintain a license; to find a licensed contractor, contact your state radon office. You can also find a list of radon mitigators certified by the National Environmental Health Association on their National Radon Proficiency Program website.

While radon levels exist everywhere, you shouldn’t tolerate excessively high levels in your home. There are ways to detect and treat radon on your home, so there’s no need to fear the harmful effects of this gas.

Read the full story from Erie Insurance: “What Should You Do If You Find Radon in Your Home?